- The college admission is open to all the students who have passed the II PUC / 12th Standard.
- No admissions are made after the last date fixed for admission by the University of Mysore.
- All admissions are provisional and are subject to final approval of the University of Mysore.
- A candidate once admitted to the college has no claim over the refund of fees.
- Admissions to any course is normally made for one semester only.
- The student will be admitted to the next higher class if his/her progress, conduct, behaviour, attendance, etc., during the preceding semester are satisfactory.
- A student is admitted to the college on clear understanding that he/she will obey the rules and regulations of the college in force from time to time.
- Students should pay all the dues to the college before the specified dates to avoid withholding of the issue of hall tickets, transfer certificates. etc.