Principal’s Message

Smt. Bramarambha S,
TTL Independent PU College, Mysore.

The integration of  three is essential

Evaluating the performance and progress of the students is the duty of parents and teachers. Hence, personal visit and enquiry about their wards by parents/guardians is required . “Education is the manifestation of required perfection which is already in man”  This Pre-University education extracts what is hidden in the minds of students. The cooperation of parents & guardians is inevitable and indispensable for the  moulding of students  in a desirable manner.

I give my solemn word to all the parents and guardians of students of T.T.L. Independent P. U. College who entrust  us with their most precious treasures what we shell leave no stones unturned transforming students in to future pillars of family, society and nation.

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